This book summary will be the last one, before I go to the army. The last book of this series will be read in army.
Thomas and his friends were rescued from maze and they went to the house. At the beginning, People who rescued them gaved some food and shelter. But at night, cranks who got the flare threatend gladers. Also teresa were gone, thomas tried to find out where she go but he failed. After long time with no food, Rat man from wicked came to shelter and gave food. Rat man told about new trials, scorch trials. World was destroyed by sun and disease called flare made people get mad. After they crossed the scorch and they guaranteed cure. Gladers were sent to the scorch, like very desperate desert. They just walked all day. I also felt very hot too because my house also very hot. Thomas met teresa at building. Teresa gave kiss to him and said get away from me. I don’t know why she did, at the end of the book she just said wicked ordered. They walked all day and entered building and met jorge and brenda. jorge was the leader of the building. Thomas promised giving the cure if they can get to the safe haven. So jorge and brenda and gladers became a team. but some explosion made they get seperated. Thomas and brenda get seperated from others and they go to the underground tunnel. They met cranks and killed them. After tunnel they entered city and some people invited them to party with guns. They gave drug to thomas and brenda. Luckily, minho and jorge found them at danger and rescued them. They gathered together again. During the journey they met other glader team with only girls. Girls used weapon and take thomas. Teresa hit thomas. Thomas was very sad but teresa said it just fake and wicked ordered. Finaly they arrived safe haven and berg, wicked air plane, took them to somewhere. However thomas got seperated. the end.
I think first of the series more interesting. I hope some question be answered by the last series