I enjoyed movie of maze runner series. I watched every series more than twice. So I want to read novel to know original story. Before read novel, I guessed plot may be similar with movie. But It has many differences. Movie’s plot was adapted to show visual element which movie only can. However details of character and place have been omitted. Also movie showed Thomas as cool as they can. But novel described thomas ordinarily.
First let’s talk about Glade. Glade is experimental place made by wicked to test young people. People lived in glade and they explore maze which surrounds glade to escape glade. In maze, Grievers stung people at night. Thomas is one of subjects. However he also took part in making maze. Alby is leader of the gladers. He lived in glade longer than any others. At the end he was disappointed about outside of glade so he chose death. Newt is second leader of glade and kind than Alby. Chuck is talkative boy and best friend of thomas. Gally is crazy man because he through the changing. When stung by grievers, people through changing. Then people remember past. Minho is strong man. His job is runner which explore maze. Teresa has key of the maze and girl friend of Thomas.
Thomas hoped became a runner like Minho but everyone ignored him. But he fight with grievers and saved minho and alby. So he became a runner. After teresa came to glader. teresa triggered the end of maze and gave hint of a maze. “Maze is code”. Thomas solved the code. he realized there’s no way out. Maze is just a code. They should fight with griever and go to grievers hole and enter code. Thomas suggested this plan firmly and they made it. They escaped the maze and faced creater. Creator killed chuck using gally. At that time, some strange agent came and killed creator and took gladers.
In the movie Thomas fought with grievers. But In novel, he just hide and avoid grievers. Others block grievers for thomas. Half of gladers died for thomas. If movie shows this scene with modification, thomas would have been seen as a coward.