Software layer

System software

Application software

problems change due to sort of software


purely your Own purpose or based on Other person’s request

meet customer requirement


From Scratch(bottom) or Existing platform(top)

Project characteristics

Due(deployment date) or Performance(Capacity) or Resource(Number of developers)

KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity(such as projects, programs products and other initiatives). KPIs provides a focus for strategic and operational improvement

Hardware dependency

hardware Dependent or In-dependent

Web server development

Mobile application development

flutter가 react를 뛰어넘고 있는 추세임


하드웨어에 의존적인지 아닌지 결정하고 처음부터 만드는지 만들어져있는거 개발하는지 결정하고 기간,퍼포먼스, 비용, 인건비가 중요한지 결정하고 개발해라